UK Honey Labelling Regulations

Below is our simple advice on honey labelling. For more detailed information – go to the website of the Food Standards Agency.

  1. The word HONEY is required.
  2. The weight must be on the label – we will ensure it is the legal size and format.
  3. You can specify the area where the honey is produced. For example, Lincolnshire, Forest ofDean, Scottish Borders.
  4. You can specify the type of honey. For example, Heather, Borage. The honey must be at least 75% of that particular type.
  5. If you are selling the honey, you must have your name and address on the label. It does not need to be complete but you should be able to be found from the information.
  6. If you are selling the honey through a third party, you must have a lot number.
  7. You must have a best before date on the jar. We suggest 2-5 years from now.
  8. You must have a country of origin on the jar. For example – Produce of England, Produced in Scotland, Harvested in Wales. Adding the country to the end of your address is not acceptable.

Taken from the Thornes website