We are always striving to increase interest and knowledge in bees and beekeeping and to this end we have invested in a small, but very choice, selection of books on all aspects of beekeeping from beginners to the more advanced and technical.
The books are divided into sections depending on the main subject: most are educational but all are eminently readable. Hopefully, we have covered most areas of beekeeping to some degree and we hope you will use this resource for both learning and enjoyment – we hope there is something for everybody.
These books are available for all members to borrow on a monthly basis: Chris Dale holds the library. The list will also be in the members’ section of our new website.
We have some new titles for the Library.
Queen Rearing Made Easy: The Punched Cell Method by Roger Patterson.
As our recent queen rearing afternoon demonstrated raising your own queens is not difficult and punching proved very successful. Here is a simple guide with all the information you need.
Fit 2 Fight – a practical guide for managing the Asian Hornet by Alan Baxter.
Alan is a British beekeeper who lived in the Loire Valley for many years and was in the frontline of the battle against the Asian Hornet. He describes in detail the successful strategies he developed and employed to manage the pest. Asian Hornets are not with us yet but we should be ready for when/if they arrive.
AI in the Apiary – Honeybee Diseases by our very own Paddy Walker.
For those of us who find the world of computing and AI an incomprehensible blur Paddy has ably demonstrated how AI can be used to access and sift the essential information you need to know about diseases affecting honey bees. Whether we like it or not AI will become an essential tool in all aspects of our lives. Hats off to Paddy, and a big thanks for the copy of his book he donated to our Library.
We have only a few rules, but we ask you to abide by them.
If you wish to borrow contact Chris Dale chris.j.dale@btinternet.com 07736 161005 (Mytholmroyd) and book by email.
You can either collect by arrangement from Mytholmroyd or Chris will bring it to the next monthly meeting for collection.
The borrowing period is 1 month. A member will be expected to return the borrowed item, either at the next monthly meeting, or back to Mytholmroyd.
A book can be renewed by emailing Chris with the request. This will be given as long as there is no other member waiting. In that case the book will have to be returned.
We hope you will make full use of this new resource and enjoy the books available.
Thanks must be given to R Pool for his suggestions and to Northern Bee Books for their wonderful selection and their generosity.