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This should be an informative and entertaining event.   The evening session will include a short presentation by Kay Phillips detailing the incidence and management of European Foul Brood (EFB) locally this year.

AGM agenda 2024

AGM minutes October 2023

Receipts and Payments Account to 30-09-24

Members of the current committee are willing to serve again.  They are:

Roger Pool – Chair
Ian Bairstow – Vice Chair and Program Secretary
Alan Brook – Secretary
Rowena Bairstow – Treasurer
Sarah and Matthew Baldry – Apiary Managers
Chris Dale – Education and Exam Secretary and Safeguarding Lead
Peter Nicholls – Honey Show Secretary
Jacky Brook – Minutes Secretary
Richard Searle-  AHAT Lead
Paddy Walker-  Halifax Agricultural Show liaison
Liz Bolton

Nominations for new committee members should be submitted to the Secretary at least 1 week prior to the AGM.