Honey Show Rules and Regulations
- ENTRIES – should be on the form provided and preferably posted to the Honey Show Secretary to Mr. Peter Nicholls, 2, Water Green, Soyland, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 4NW, or E-mail to peter@watergreen.co.uk but will be accepted up to 9:30am on the day of the Show.
- ENTRY FEES – Entry to the competition is
- DELIVERY, STAGING AND COLLECTION OF EXHIBITS – Exhibits must be delivered, carriage paid, to the Honey Show Secretary by 10:00am on the day of the show in the HBKA tent. Exhibitors will not be allowed to collect exhibits before 4:30pm on the day of the Show. A Steward will be responsible for locating and collecting the exhibits for the
- JUDGING will start at 11:00am
- PRESENTATION OF AWARDS will take place at 4:00pm on the day of the Show
- Exhibitors must label every exhibit with the labels provided by the Honey Show Secretary. Such labels must be fixed on jars and bottles to leave about one inch between the label and the bottom of the jar or bottle.
Labels for the wax blocks should be fixed on the doyley provided. Photograph labels to be fixed to the back of the print. Slides labels to be fixed on to slide mounting. No exhibitor’s card, trademark, label or mark may appear on any exhibit except class 5.
- HONEY –All honey must be the produce of the exhibitor’s own bees. Extracted honey must be exhibited in clear, glass 1lb jars, of British Standard (squat) design with standard lacquered screw
- WAX – wax must be the produce of the exhibitor’s own bees and the wax rendered and prepared by the exhibitor or his/her assistants. Wax cakes must be exhibited outside
- MEAD – must be exhibited in plain, clear glass, punted bottles of approx. 26fl oz (75cl) capacity with rounded shoulders. The level of mead must allow airspace of ¼” to ¾”. Only plastic or white-topped cork stoppers should be used.
- AWARDS – only one entry per person per class may be There will be a maximum of three awards per class. Rosette and card for 1st, 2nd and 3rd .
- SOFT SET HONEY – Crystallised honey that has been softened , stirred and allowed to
- EXHIBITS – must not be tasted or interfered with in any way during the Show without the authority of the Show Steward.
- OBJECTIONS – must be made to the Honey Show Secretary by 2:00pm on the day of the Show together with a deposit of £1.00. Should the protest be sustained the deposit will be returned
- ANY RULE not covered by these Rules and Regulations will be subject to the National Honey Show